How To Apply

We’d like to get to know you and learn more about your work.

Trust-Based Grantmaking

It is an essential priority of the Song Foundation to challenge the inherent power dynamic between foundations and nonprofits through engaging in trust-based grantmaking. We aim to be the least burdensome partner for our grantees by having a transparent grantmaking and decision-making process that is simple to navigate. As such, our core grantmaking practices include clear communications, streamlined funding requests, right-sized processes for each request, proactive funding supports and soliciting feedback regularly.

How to Apply

We are currently at capacity for the 2023 – 2024 fiscal year which runs until September 1, 2024.  In the meantime you can send us an introduction via the Contact Us portal on our site.  When our grantmaking window reopens we will notify interested parties via email and the five minute inquiry form below will begin accepting submissions. The 2024 – 2025 grantmaking windows are as follows:

 Grantmaking Cycle I:

    • Grant applications accepted:  September 1 – October 15, 2024
    • Decisions window:  No later than November 30, 2024

Grantmaking Cycle II:

    • Grant applications accepted:  January 1 – February 15, 2024
    • Decisions window:  No later than March 30, 2024

Grantmaking Cycle III:

    • Grant applications accepted:  May 1 – June 15, 2024
    • Decisions window:  No later than July 30, 2024

To apply you’ll need to include your organization’s name, EIN, mission, and operating budget, as well as a brief project summary and contact information. Please review the types of projects we fund. We ask that you do not submit requests outside of our funding areas.

Next Steps 

All funding requests will be screened by Song Foundation staff. Once we’ve uploaded your application you will receive a message confirming our receipt – this could take 1-2 weeks from date of submission.  If you’re eligible, we’ll keep you updated during the review process. (We’ll also send a note if additional screening results in a “No” funding decision.) Small grants, which include requests under $150,000, may receive immediate funding, while larger requests may include a phone call or site visit. If that is the case, our staff will contact you to schedule. 

Questions? Contact Us